
Visits / Exhibition  

Madeleine Foundation

A. de Ville de Goyet ©

Formerly topped by a Baroque-style Dutch gable, the house was given a neoclassical façade in the third quarter of the 19th century. Nowadays, it is undoubtedly the geometric Art Nouveau ground floor that sets it apart. Designed by architect Léon Sneyers in 1904, it features a wooden frontage resting on a base of blue limestone, with wooden glazing bars dividing the upper part of the window beneath the awning cover. A lyre-shaped motif has been decorated with stained glass. Today, the ground floor is packed with objects acquired by a couple of keen Brussels collectors. There is also an exhibition dedicated to the Forgotten heroes of Art Nouveau: VSL, Léon Ledru, Arthur Craco and Léon Sneyers, showcasing their active role in disseminating Belgian Art Nouveau both at home and abroad.

Practical information

Rue de la Madeleine/Magdalenasteenweg 7 – Brussels

Guided tours and by reservation only