

Hemelsoet House

A. de Ville de Goyet ©

In 1902, architect Frans Hemelsoet opted for an elegant blend of historical and Art Nouveau styles for his own home. The façade comprises three unequal bays. The one on the left includes a remarkable wrought-iron and glass door that once contained stained-glass windows depicting irises, and which has retained its lizard-shaped handles, as well as a polygonal oriel forming a turret on the top two floors. The wide right-hand bay features a basket-handle bow window underpinning a balcony with wrought-iron balustrade, all topped by an elaborate gable. Inside, the stairwell has retained its splendid original wrought-iron banister, which is distinctly Art Nouveau in character. This contrasts with the neo-Renaissance panelled dining room on the first floor, while the drawing room is in neo-Louis XVI style. (Listed 05/02/2021)

Guided tours in cooperation with ARAU.

Practical information

Sun. 10:00 to 18:00

Avenue Princesse Élisabeth/Prinses Elisabethlaan 22 – Schaerbeek/Schaarbeek

Reservation only for guided tours

Non accessible

Non accessible