

British Residence in Brussels

The mirror image of number 9 Rue Ducale/Hertogsstraat in terms of the alignment between Rue Lambermont/Lambermontstraat and Rue Zinner/Zinnerstraat, this neoclassical-inspired double-fronted mansion was built to designs by architect Louis Sauvage, who left his name on the façade alongside the year of the building's completion (1913). Topped by a mansard roof, the Euville-stone building replaced a private town house that was once owned by the Croÿ family. Many of the rooms are beautifully decorated. For example, the white and gold Louis XIV panelling in the dining room shows off a valuable set of Bérain-style tapestries, the music room's graceful Louis XVI-style decor came from a Parisian mansion, while the library's rococo panelling, from 1772, was originally part of the French Embassy in Vienna. 

Guided tours and presentation of the movable heritage of the UK government, on Saturday.

Practical information

Rue Ducale/Hertogsstraat 17 – Brussels

Accessible only via guided tours and by reservation