Self-guided tour / Family
Échappée Urbaine #3

This poetic, offbeat Échappée Urbaine #3 highlighting the unsuspected poetry of the urban space is self-guided. To take part, please bring a smartphone and headphones. A kit containing additional material (in French) will be issued to you at the starting point. The tour will last around 1 hour. Last tour at 16:30.
This poetic, offbeat tour highlighting the unsuspected poetry of the urban space is self-guided. To take part, please bring a smartphone and headphones. A kit containing additional material (in French) will be issued to you at the starting point. The tour will last around 1 hour. Last tour at 17:00.
Practical information
Sat. & Sun. 10:00 to 16:30
La Mairie building, next to the Ad Hoc bar, at the top of the escalators to Alma metro station, Promenade de l'Alma/Almawandeling 33, BE-1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert/Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe
Advance booking not required.