
Self-guided tour

Schaerbeek Beer Museum

© Musée de la Bière Schaerbeekois

This small Brussels museum is housed in the disused former technical section of a school, La Ruche, in Schaerbeek/Schaarbeek. In 1993, the Municipality made the building available to a group of enthusiasts, who converted it to accommodate a beer museum, with a collection of around 300 bottles of Belgian beer. By contacting breweries and individuals and trawling flea markets, they gradually expanded the collection. The museum, opened in 1994, has two rooms, a tavern and an attractive garden. It now holds more than 3,000 bottles of Belgian beer, most of them with their matching glasses. It also has old machines, equipment used by coopers, and advertising signs. Since 2019, Van Den Bossche Brewery has been supplying the museum with its very own Schaerbeekoise beer, which is available for tasting.

Exhibition in French/Dutch/English.

Practical information

Sun. 11:00 to 18:00

Avenue Louis Bertrand/Louis Bertrandlaan 33–35, BE-1030 Schaerbeek/Schaarbeek

Advance booking not required

