

Jean Glibert - (re)discovering works of art in architecture and the public space (fully booked)

© Hugo Lefèvre

Jean Glibert (1938–2024) was a major figure on the Belgian art scene who completed many projects blending space, light, colour, medium and material.

From the 1960s onwards, Glibert focused his work on spaces seen or experienced by large numbers of people, including transport infrastructure, office spaces, gable walls, construction-site fences and recreational sculptures in parks or the wider urban environment. His ideas on the decompartmentalisation of disciplines took him outside the confines of institutions dedicated specifically to exhibiting art, while his interest in the technical aspect of painting and construction materials led him to shift his focus to architecture. Throughout his career, he teamed up with architects and large design teams bringing together engineers, landscape architects, town planners and designers to work on new builds or renovations.

There are six itineraries for the 2024 Heritage Days, each of them slightly different, taking in a total of nine projects (four to five locations on each tour). These varied projects illustrate the monumentality and generosity of Glibert's work, reflecting his belief that painting was a collective good.

Check out a map of the itineraries, which also features all of Glibert's projects in Brussels, whether or not they are still in place today. The tours are being organised by architect Cécile Vandernoot, a friend of the artist.

One of the itineraries will start from Central Brussels (Rue du Bois Sauvage/Wildewoudstraat 10):

Saturday 14 September – 14:00 to 17:00 – in French  - guide : Cécile Vandernoot

  • Mansion of the Governor of the National Bank of Belgium (NBB): tour by Anne Bambynek, curator of the NBB's contemporary art collection 
  • #SustainableHub (former Centre Interdiocésain Maisin) 
  • Brussels Regional Investment Company (BRIC) 
  • Mérode/Merode metro station

More information on each project can be found here.

Duration of tours: 2 hours + total transit time (on foot, by tram or by metro) of 1 hour. A STIB/MIVB public transport ticket will be needed for all the itineraries.

Practical information

Sat. at 14:00 (French) (duration: 3 hours)

Rue du Bois Sauvage/Wildewoudstraat 10, BE-1000 Brussels

Advance booking required. Up to 25 people per itinerary.