
Guided tour

Architecture along the North-South Junction (fully booked)

A. de Ville de Goyet ©

The buildings along the route of the North-South connection from Bruxelles-Congrès/Brussel-Congres station to Bruxelles-Chapelle/Brussel-Kapellekerk station mark milestones in the city’s history and bear witness to architectural trends.
Here we find centuries-old heritage (Anneessens Tower) rubbing shoulders with Art Deco, eclectic, modernist, functionalist and postmodernist peers, with notable examples including the Finance Tower, the Cité Administrative de l’État/Rijksadministratief Centrum, the National Bank of Belgium, the head office of public water company VIVAQUA, the view along Boulevard de l’Empereur/Keizerlaan with the headquarters of the Flemish public employment service VDAB and of the French-speaking Socialist Party (Parti Socialiste), the bowling alley and the Place de la Chapelle/Kapelleplein skate park.

In cooperation with Brussels Chatterguides.

Practical information

Sat. & Sun. at 10:00 and 14:00 (French) (duration: 2 hours)

in front of Bruxelles-Congrès/Brussel-Congres station, Boulevard Pachéco/Pachecolaan 32, BE-1000 Brussels

Advance booking required. Up to 25 people per tour.