In the kingdom of ancient and modern gardens: Floral, Colonial and Sobieski gardens (fully booked)

Just a stone’s throw from the Atomium lie three gardens that supplied the Palace of Laeken/Laken with flowers, fruit and exotic delicacies during the Belle Époque. Now open to the public, they have undergone a remarkable renovation in recent decades, with beautiful spaces and panoramas, a surprising variety of trees and flowers, creativity and modernity in the design of the Florist’s Gardens, a welcoming and family-friendly atmosphere and a very contemporary concern for biodiversity. Connoisseurs will also be delighted to see the Stuyvenberg greenhouses being restored. All in all, a fine example for others to follow and an asset for the green city of the future!
The tour will be led by Axel Demonty, the Brussels Environment landscape architect who designed and supervised the Florist’s Gardens renovation.
In cooperation with Brussels Chatterguides.
Practical information
Sat. at 11:00 and 14:00 (French) (duration: 2 hours)
at the entrance to the Colonial Garden (Atomium side), at the junction between Avenue Jean Sobieski/Jean Sobieskilaan and Avenue des Ébéniers/Ebbebomenlaan, BE-1020 Laeken/Laken
Advance booking required. Up to 25 people per tour.