After the Expo: new heritage on the Heysel Plateau

The dismantling of the Expo 58 pavilions left a huge void on the Heysel/Heizel Plateau. In the years that followed, however, a number of International Style and postmodernist buildings were erected here and there on the site, including Trademart (Design Museum Brussels), the Primerose Tennis Club, Maison Heysel/Huis Heizel and the headquarters of the Belgian Olympic and Interfederal Committee. As well as the iconic Heysel/Heizel buildings, this guided walk will introduce you to these new pieces of heritage, some of which are already set to disappear as part of the NEO project.
In cooperation with Laeken Découverte ASBL | Laken Onthuld VZW.
Practical information
Sat. at 10:00 (French) and 14:30 (Dutch) (duration: 1 hour 30 minutes) & Sun. at 10:00 (French) and 14:30 (Dutch) (duration: 1 hour 30 minutes)
in front of the church (Saint-Lambert/Sint-Lambertus tram stop), Place Saint-Lambert/Sint-Lambertusplein, BE-1020 Laeken/Laken
Advance booking required. Up to 20 people per tour.