Guided tour
Moortebeek Terminus: erfgoedcafé and “Adieu Macadam” guided tours

Moortebeek Garden City is known for its rich and unique history as a cooperative, but another period in its history is also worthy of note.
For several decades after the Second World War, part of the Moortebeek landscape was transformed into a major thoroughfare for cars. Houses, trees, lawns, mementos and places housing paintings were ripped out and in some cases moved to unknown destinations. Ever since, these parts of the neighbourhood have been haunted by a sense of loss and a lack of imagination. There are stories of people who retook possession of the land, breaking the concrete as it had broken their hearts. Today, few traces remain of the construction and subsequent demolition in 1979, known as ‘Adieu Macadam’. Join artists Kasper Demeulemeester and Jakob Van den Broucke as they explore the remnants of this short-lived but influential social movement.
The heritage database Erfgoedbank Anderlecht will also be on hand throughout to collect and share local stories via
There will be free access to the Erfgoedcafé (Heritage Café) from 13:00 to 17:00. Advance booking is required for the walks.
Practical information
Sat. at 14:00 (Dutch) and 15:00 (French) (duration: 45 minutes)
in front of the Effort Pavilion, Parc Effort/Effortpark, BE-1070 Anderlecht
Advance booking required. Up to 15 people per tour.