

New perspectives on Art Nouveau

A. de Ville de Goyet ©

Lying on the banks of the Ukkelbeek, the first mention of Ferme Rose dates back to 1287, when it made an appearance in ecclesiastical archives. At the time, the complex – then known as 't Hof ten Hove – and the Boetendael valley and woods were a fiefdom of the Duke of Brabant. The farm became a dairy in the late 19th century, when there was already a tavern on the site. Later, an outdoor theatre was created in the grounds, while other parts of the property hosted a goat farm and a garage. It continued to be used for agricultural purposes until 1954. It was not until the 1990s that this rural building was gradually revived thanks to the association La Ferme Rose (meaning The Pink Farm), named after the colour of the exterior rendering and brickwork. The organisation puts on a wide-ranging programme of concerts, courses, workshops, exhibitions, talks and other events. The site is also home to a puppet theatre and community seed counter, as well as hosting sales of organic produce. (Listed 13/07/1971)

La Ferme Rose invites you to an informal meeting with the editor-in-chief of the magazine Natrimoine*, whose third issue is entitled "Nouveaux regards sur l'Art nouveau" ("New perspectives on Art Nouveau"). Over a coffee and a snack, visitors on bikes and on foot can get to know this magazine: from the way it sees its editorial line, to finding its authors and themes, to the way we see Art Nouveau in our modern lifestyles.

*Former « Les Nouvelles du Patrimoine »

A guided bicycle tour “Art nouveau – Art Déco” will also be departing at 13:00.

Everyone taking part in a bicycle tour will receive a free copy of Natrimoine magazine.

In cooperation with Pro Velo and the Alderman's Office for Culture of the Municipality of Uccle/Ukkel.

In French only.

Practical information

Sun. 16:00 to 18:00

Avenue De Fré/De Frélaan 44 – Uccle/Ukkel

Advance booking not required

Accessible with assistance

Accessible with assistance